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ETCHINGS by STEFANO GRASSELLI - 16 selected works by one of the best masters of contemporary engraving, 1 - 31 December 2021

Stefano Grasselli's art flows in the great river of European Expressionism. Painting, engraving, sculpture: with rare completeness of technical skills and with assiduous and all the more commendable thematic coherence, the artist offers us visions of a world in which it is more difficult for men and animals to resist, struck by fears that often into reality, from metamorphoses that lead to monstrous aspects or attitudes, from disastrous events that inevitably change life and imagination. It is the scream of the new century that resounds in the valuable works of this excellent contemporary artist.

Arnoldo Manfredi

Grasselli Stefano was born in Reggio Emilia where he lives and works. After attending the G. Chierici Art Institute, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, where he graduated in painting. In the following years he carried out high restoration and pictorial decoration activities, and then devoted himself to his own artistic research through the pictorial, graphic-engraver and plastic languages. He has exhibited in Italy and abroad. He is currently a teacher of artistic subjects. His graphic and pictorial works are present in private collections and in Italian and foreign museums, such as the Albertina Museum in Vienna. He is part of the ALI, Association of Free Engravers, and his works are published in the sales catalogues of the Prandi Antiques Library, of Mavida, of Le Muse Bibliographic Studio. It is also present in the following catalogs: catalog IV National Biennial of Engraving of Acqui Terme, Ovada, 1998-99, as a selected artist; catalog VIII Triennial of Engraving Museo della Permanente (MI); catalog of the group exhibition Eredità del Simbolismo, publisher Sometti, (MN), 2007; Sartori catalog (MN), 2013, third book Modern and contemporary engravers, edited by Arianna Sartori; Sartori catalog, Modern and Contemporary Art, 2012; Sartori catalog, Modern and Contemporary Art, 2017; catalog of the collective exhibition Animalia Natura & Arte, Sartori Archive (MN), 2017; Graphic Art magazine, (MI), number 87, cards of Artists; Graphic Art magazine, (MI), issue 100, Fantastic Beasts section; catalog of the collective exhibition of Woodcut and Linoleum In Arte Bambo at Labirinto della Masone, Fontanellato (PR), october 2020; Atlas of Contemporary Art, DeAgostini, 2020; supplement No. 111 The eye in the sign of the Graphic Art magazine (MI): Stefano Grasselli, The Metamorphoses of Fear; catalog raisonné History of Woodcut in Italy in the 20th Century, Pendragon publisher, (BO), 2020.

For some years he has been attending the Atelier opened in Venice at the International Center of Graphics and has participated in important cultural initiatives: Libro Della Notte, Metropolis and a solo show at the Amor Del Libro space in Venice. For several years he has maintained an important relationship with the Laboratorio F.lli Manfredi, where he was able to create various graphic works and artist books. For some years he has exhibited at the Kokonton Gallery in Venice and Mad (Mantua - Art - Design) in Mantua. He has participated in important national and international cultural initiatives with the ARCI of Trento. In september 2018 he participated in the important group exhibition in the Europe Pavilion at Palazzo Albrizzi Capello in Venice. Awards and special mentions: fifth international painting prize, Remo Brindisi trophy, 1997; GRAFO competition exhibition, 2009, La Riseria, Novara; Canaletto Award, Spoleto Arte, 2018; Start, Europe Pavilion International exhibition Palazzo Albrizzi Capello, Venice; Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies, Rome Montecitorio, 2018. A collective exhibition of graphic art on the theme of the labyrinth is scheduled for october 2021, at the Labirinto della Masone by Franco Maria Ricci, with the ALI Association (BO). In May 2022, a personal exhibition of Graphic Art The Insidie dell’Inconscio at the Diocesan Museum of Mantua.

Mail:     Youtube video: Stefano Grasselli tells

1) The hunter

2004, drypoint on plexiglas, p.d.s. 1/1, plate cm. 14,8x10,7, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 35x25. Search here

2) Great global pitfall
2004, aquatint in the black manner and drypoint, plate cm. 23,8x29,4, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 50x35. Already in the catalogue: Stefano Grasselli, The great pitfalls - works 1995-2008, exhibition at the Officina delle Arti and Mauriziano, January 2009.
3) Escape from the storm
2006, aquatint in the black manner and drypoint, p.d.s. 2/2, plate cm. 14,6x19,6, Sicar Graphia sheet 35x25 cm.
4) Owl in the night
2009, aquatint in the black manner, II / X, plate 23.7x18.7 cm, Sicar Graphia sheet 35x50 cm.
5) Great shepherd in danger (I ° state)
2009, drypoint, p.d.s. 2/2, plate cm. 26,5x20,8, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 50x35.
6) Owl peering
2010, drypoint, 7/10, plate cm. 17x12,8, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 35x25.
7) Big vulture in the landscape
2010 ca., aquatint in the black manner and drypoint, p.d.s. 1/1, plate cm. 20,5x26,5, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 35x25.
8) The cat
2011, drypoint, 20/20, plate cm. 15x9,8, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 35x25.
9) Owl 1
2013, drypoint, IV / X, plate cm. 9x5,4, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 25x17.5. See here catalogue
10) Owl 2
2013, drypoint, VIII / X, plate cm. 9,6x6,4, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 25x6.4.
11) The big wolf
2013, aquatint and etching, 2/10, plate cm. 29,7x45,2, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 40x60.
12 A) Polyptych of the Apocalypse 1
2015, aquatint in the black manner, etching, drypoint, print test 1/1, plate cm. 49.5x49.5, Hahne Muhle sheet cm. 60x80.5. These four splendid engravings, here presented free, form, united in a single sheet, the real polyptych, printed in only four copies.
12 B) Polyptych of the Apocalypse 2
2015, aquatint in the black manner, etching, drypoint, print test, plate cm. 49.5x49.5, Hahne Muhle sheet 60x80.5.
12 C) Polyptych of the Apocalypse 3
2015, print test, aquatint in the black manner, etching, drypoint, print test, plate cm. 49.5x49.5, Hahne Muhle sheet 60x80.5.
12 D) Polyptych of the Apocalypse
2015, print test, aquatint in the black manner, etching, drypoint, print test, plate cm. 49.5x49.5, Hahne Muhle sheet 60x80.5.
13) Night in San Luca
2017, drypoint, test for printing, plate cm. 23,2x26,4, Sicar Graphia sheet cm. 50x35.
14) Great pitfalls in the landscape
2021, etching and aquatint, IV/VI, plate cm. 24.7x35.2, Magnani Velata sheet cm. 37.5x56.5.
15) n the labyrinths of the mind
2021, drypoint, VI / VI, plate 29.8x49.5, Favini Tree Free sheet cm. 50.5x69.5.
16) Labyrinthic vision
2021, aquatint and etching, VI / VI, plate cm. 32,8x49,7, Favini Tree Free sheet cm. 50.5x69.5.
Coming art shows
01/10/2025 - 31/01/2026 GINO FORTI - Etchings and linocuts by this extraordinary artist.