Reggio Emilia, Laboratorio F.lli Manfredi Edizioni, 2022, 4° large ad album (34.5x46.5 cm), pp. 26, Italian and English text in Garamond lead, Xuan paper in mulberry fiber, 12 color linocuts by BERNADETTE KAM FU LEE, five of which are full page and one more on the cover. Translations into English and into and from Chinese are by the author and artist. The story is a fine digression / invention around the poem by Su Shi Ode to the heron, printed in the counter-pages, to which the real recipe of Dong Po pork (second name of Su Shi) and Chinese bread has been added, to make homage to that culture of food that is capable of always uniting all peoples. The edition is 30 copies numbered and signed on the colophon by the author and artist and is defined as "oriental".